The main concept of this series is motivated by the general intention of a camera. The camera has the capabilities of capturing and presenting a fraction of time; it can stop motion. Without a quick shutter speed, when the camera takes a photograph a moving subject, the result will usually end up with a blurry and soft subject. For this series I want to work in reverse, creating a sense of motion to static subjects. This series will require a lot of trial an error and experimentation. I will be shooting with a medium format camera, and I would like to shoot outdoors where my subjects will range from landscapes, buildings, store fronts, etc. I intend for the final series to be complete of approximate 11 photographs printed on 11x14 paper (cut down to the square format of the negative). I hope for this body of work to have a soft and almost painterly quality, and portray a sense of motion. The challenge of this series will be capturing 11 interesting images that work successfully as a group and on their own. The inspiration of this series evolved from a previous project that focused on documentary photography, and more specifically the blurred and out of focus images of subjects that were in motion. This final series will inverse this observation and experiment with the idea of the ‘static’ in motion.
Here are a few shots from the first two roles I have taken. I'm still trying to decide on how abstract I want the images to be.
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