Observe the real, trust the intuitive.
The task for our photo assignment is to go out in the city and work quickly and carefully with our camera. Basically become a stalker, well at least that's how I felt shooting my first two roles.
Shoot at the hip.
The idea is to let the reigns of control slip just enough for accidents to happen. For at least one role we are to break the rules and try shooting a full roll of 36 shots from the hip. Questions asked:
Where is it stated that you have to look through the viewfinder when releasing the shutter?
Do all photographs need to be in focus all the time?
Obviously a large margin for error is needed for this task, so we are to shoot at least three roles. Even though it may be a bit of risk, as we need to have 5 prints made for next Thrusday, I have decided to take all my roles from the hip. The element of surprise and the happy accidents that occur within photography I believe relate closely to notion of the decisive moment.
After shooting and processing my first two rolls of film, I feel that I have been lucky to have caught quirky moments and interesting situations. I think there are some special gems.
When I was going through my contact sheets, I really felt my photographs needed to be printed on small scale. The images that managed to capture are just 'small' documents of city and the individuals who go about their day to day routines within it. The photographed accidents and quirky moments are only small fragments of time; a slice of a day, a week, a month, a year.
I have at least one more roll to shoot for this assignment. Although I felt fairly uncomfortable with this way of photographing, the results are definitely pleasing. I think this could be the start of an ongoing series.
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