
DART 381-Final Project Proposal

For the final project I was hoping to create a website for Team Brother Bear, a non-profit organization that was founded and developed this past summer by myself alongside family and close friends. 

Team Brother Bear, is a non-profit organization that has been inspired by the vision of my cousin Austin Brasil. This organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of children who have been diagnosed with brain tumors, through fundraising for research, support for children as well as their families and by creating a community dedicated to positive change. Volunteers committed to fundraising and finding sponsorship will work together to help make the lives of diagnosed families easier and to find funds for research in this field of pediatric care.  

Currently Team Brother Bear is using a blog (www.teambrotherbearcanada.blogspot.com) to inform and update individuals on our organization. Through the use of Dreamweaver and Flash, I would like to design a website that can be used for Team Brother Bear that is more professional and unique than the current blog. 

Within the website I would like to include information about the overall vision of Team Brother Bear, documentation of past events (including various images), possible future events, information about the team, and the merchandise that is being sold as a way to fundraise.